Sunday, January 9, 2011

DAY 8: 10:16AM

I know i missed yesterday, but I could have sworn I made the post....
Oh well, I'll have to kinda fill ya in.

So, yesterday, I woke up at around 7am. Starting my day off with my vitamin supplement and a bottle of water as well as a healthy breakfast. I caught my Grandmother off guard when I overheard her talking about how "filthy" the bathrooms were. Is she serious? If anyone knows me....Anyhow, the bathroom is always spotless, toilet shining, walls sparkling...So I decided to inform her of her inaccuracy, and when asking her to show me exactly what she felt was dirty, she had no answer. In a fit of anger I spent two hours scrubbing all the already clean walls and floors on hands and knees with bleach. I vacuumed everything in the house, again. Made the beds, dusted the furniture. Afterwards, she had to balls to ask me to go to a Chinese Buffet with her, and my Aunt of all people. I declined. Not only am I on a I had mentioned several times, but I don't like my Grandmother, or my Aunt. Therefore I was not interested in eating around them. My boyfriend went with them. Gave me some time alone. I decided not to hide from winter anymore. I needed cardio. Regardless of the snow. So, I buckled down in my sweats, boots, hat and gloves, and began shoveling. After out driveway and walkway, I cleaned off my car....I figured I needed to do more, so I walked next door to my neighbors and shoveled their double driveway, and two walkways.

As I was finishing up the neihbors driveway, My Grandmother and the rest were leaving for the Buffett. My Grandmother turned to my Aunt and laughed, making some nasty comment about me, I'm sure.
I hate her.
I hate more everyday that I have to see her.

But I didn't care. When they left and I finished what I had sought out to do, I felt great. Back a little sore, it was worth it. I trekked through the snow back to my house and sat on the front step. I never realized how gorgeous winter time can be. How pretty the sky was. I decided to make a mini-snowman, all by myself. And I did. How rewarding haha.

I went in the house, and finished some more unnecessary cleaning, before escaping to a hot steam shower. It was so quiet in the house. No one was lurking or waiting to pounce. Except for the cat... :)

After the amazing relaxing shower, I made myself a steamed shrimp scampy. WIN. I had a portion of that with a side of lettuce. I had just been about to settle in and start with my shows, when I heard a violent banging on the front door downstairs.
How appropriate. And symbolic. Peace and tranquility interupted by demmanding, ignorant, and overwhelming childishness. I let them in, and asked why no one had brought a key to the house they live in....:: shakes head ::

I was exhausted and felt really good about myself. I snuggled into bed at a little before 9, and watched some First 48 and Celebrity Ghost Stories. A few friends stopped by for an hour or so, and then I slept like a baby!

I awoke this morning and decided it was time for a weigh in. Not expecting anything at all, I looked down and saw that I had lost 3 POUNDS!

I can't believe it. I lost 3 Pounds. The good way. The right way. So, every week, once a week, I'm gonna weigh myself :)

I am so happy. Other than being poor, I don't have a care in the world.

Not a care in the world.....

One love! xo


  1. I am so happy for you Jess! I am glad that you are finding ways to overcome the crap you have to deal with an that it's not affecting your plans and goals!

    I really don't have a special bond with my dad's mom either so I understand the frustration. When people put you down it's obviously to make themselves feel better. To see that you are so young and pretty and still have so much to offer the world probably makes them jealous.

  2. true. you know as i was reading this i felt like i was reading a book! u write well :D i was like page...

  3. @Kameele
    Thanks Kameele :) I'm definitely sticking to what I need to do and not letting anything get me down. Your compliments were flattering and I appreciate them entirely. Thanks for the encouragement and support, as always. xo

    Thanks as well. And thanks for the compliment on my writing. Writing has always been the one thing that I love and cherish about my urges to create. It always seems to flow naturally and feel right. :) Hopefully my future posts delight as well xo
