Thursday, January 6, 2011

DAY 5: 8:58pm

I am absolutely tired. A good tired though. I had a big hearty meal for dinner tonight, but it was all natural food and cooked by me. Talapia and mushrooms and onions...mmm. I went for 2 walks today that nearly killed me in this cold. I also did 50 crunches. So I'm feeling good about all that. And no naps! Again!

The only thing really getting to me, is working on Blazer Show. My boyfriend kinda fucked things for me on a serious level. I'm not stupid, I can smell the tension in the air. But the truth is, I don't give a hell if he did anything. It's HIS problem. It's got nothing to do with me and my partner so fuck him, really. I just hope my partner ignores it and moves forward as I with this show. Nowadays, I just shrug his stupid shit off. Because I have a lot of goals, and this it's my best guy friend. :: shakes head :: Hope this clears up...

Plan on applying in person at the movie theater (2 locations) and all tomorrow. Other than that, I really have nothing to report. I'm sticking to my diet, walking, drinking water, avoiding negative nonsense and getting tired by 8pm. Gotta love good ol'
fashioned discipline!

Anyhow, I'm hoping you all had a positive day! I'm gonna head to sleep. I'll be sure to follow up with everyone's blog tomorrow. :)

Sweet Dreams!



  1. Good luck Jess! Sorry to hear shit's weird right now but it makes for interesting blog-fodder I suppose. I hope you get that job because let me tell you that first paycheck will melt some of the stress. Then the job will pile more on lol.

  2. Thanks Kieran! Everything with the Show ended up workin' out well, I just really need that job and that paper! My blog has been in an interesting direction, yes :) Let's hope a job comes through! Haha Thanks for the encouragement man! :: fist pound ::
