Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 1

So this is day 1 of documenting the process of what hopefully will be success. Inspired by a friend of mine who shared a surprisingly parallel feeling to what I have been experiencing, I decided to jump aboard his offer to do this.

There's a lot in my life that I've put on hold for a substantially long time. My life is seriously webbed with thousands of interconnected events and people. What most people really don't know, is that I come from a very dysfunctional family. Contrary to my naturally friendly nature, my life at home consists of name calling, yelling, and aggression. One of my primary goals this year, is to gain some level of independency and stability so that I may break free of the vicious cycle of toxic co-dependent relationships in my life. In order to accomplish that goal, I am going to have to take a number of crucial steps.

A main goal for me right now, is to find a job. Knowing I'm not ready for the industry I've just started educating myself in, and loathing video production, I've decided to find a job that requires me to stand on my feet, sweat, and clean. Any kind of job that will give my life routine and structure. Last night, I filled out an application for a little Philadelphia Pretzel Factory job that's just up the street from my house. The hours would be substantial, give me 300 bucks a week to work with and save, and no gas expenses. Unfortunately, the manager isn't hiring (despite the help wanted sign in the window) and is only documenting applications.

A local pizzeria is hiring. I have a history with the place, and those kinds of jobs are always my favorite. The money is always good, you get lots of exercise, and there's tips and flexible hours with school. I plan on calling them when the manager is in tomorrow morning, and following up with my application.

A nearly full-time job is exactly what I need. It would give me much more financial independency as well as get me out of my home for the most part. The rest of my time would be spent in school. I also plan to get straight A's next semester as well. And not drop a single class.

Hopefully, with a job, within a semester, I can move away from home near school, and work as a Tutor and lab monitor again at the Art Institute. Rent is affordable there and a job is always available. I would be able to go to school and work all in the same place. And with the numerous hours of being at school, I'll be in a creative environment, alway have time to get homework done and do extra studying, and work on writing Blazer Show.

This is mainly the goal for the first half of 2011. It's really time that I take responsibility for my suffering and work harder to do something to change it. I don't have to live this life of bullshit. I can snap out of it and get things done. Stop being lazy. Stop feeling sorry for myself, and change it all.

This progression is a direct road to my ultimate goal: Pitch Blazer Show to Adult Swim...and get it made.
If the timing doesn't work out well on the show, at least then I'd be in a position in my life to keep at it and be on my own away from the crap in my life.

I know I'm overweight. However, I'm convinced that with a full time job and school, my eating and sleeping habits will fall back into place and the weight will start to come off. Today, I began my pledge to drink nothing but water for a as long as I can. No soda or iced tea. Once my emotional state is stable and I have a job, my old healthier lifestyle will reveal itself once again. I look forward to losing weight and feeling more energized.

With my first paycheck from my job I'd like to open a new bank account and start fresh. The rest of the money will go to fund my travel to school and gas. Afterwards, I'd like to begin saving 1 quarter of my income every week. No matter what. That money will go in my bank account, which I will not touch. Come spring, I've decided to start taking the train at least twice a week to school, and get the exercise and save on parking.

I'm hoping that these little steps will all start to get me moving in the right direction of accomplishing all of my goals.

Tomorrow I plan on:

Following up with the Job at Taranova's
Fill out at least 3 job applications
Take a walk in the morning and at night.
Work on Blazer Show for a minimum of 2 hours

Let's hope tomorrow's small steps will add up.



  1. This is possibly one of the most amazing things I ever read.

    I had no idea our lives were so similar, I felt like I was reading something I wrote but didn't remember writing.

    Since I started my job I have done the same exact thing with dividing each paycheck into a savings account/personal account/ and loan payment account and it really is the best financial foot forward.

    I jumped on this project too and I'm glad we are doing it together

  2. Hey!

    It's good to see you commenting, I love ya to death I miss ya! I don't get to see ya too often.

    But as far as what you're saying, I am realizing that most of us really do feel this way. It isn't just me. I'm also glad that you've confirmed that my savings technique has plausible promise. Thank you so much for posting a comment. And I agree that this is definitely beneficial for all of us to partake in!
