Saturday, January 15, 2011

DAY 15 11:21 AM

Today was pretty eventful. You could say that I definitely got some cardio in today. James and John called up me and Rob and said we had to go with them to this frozen lake and wildlife sanctuary. Snow was everywhere. We took the ride up to the park and began hiking in the snow! I fell down lots of times and had some fantastic laughs. It was so hard trekking through the snow and ice. But at the end of our quest, we found ourselves at the edge of a lake completely frozen over. Nothing but trees and the velvet of the winter sky accompanied the tranquil setting. Again, nature reminded me that winter is a part of an important cycle. And it is to be respected. Despite how long my journey was and how difficult it was, at the end of it was beauty and peace. I related that a lot to my life right now. And felt it was symbolically a useful lesson that I needed reminding of.

The other night I visited Jay downtown. We sat up for several hours discussing Blazer Show. It was when he asked me a question that I really got to thinking.

"Look. Do you want to be rich? Or do you want to be famous?"

I thought about the question for quite a moment before responding. Rarely am I so unable to conjure forth a witty or quick response.


I said it without much confidence and I'm pretty sure he picked up on it. I then realized -

"-Well......I really want both"

He nodded with approval. I completely understood in an instant what his point was of the question.

"Rich can run out. But fame lasts forever." he replied.

I talked to him about how I missed Gee and our creative team. How it always felt wrong to do things without him in earshot. Jay reminded me that Gee isn't going anywhere and he'll always be my partner. He then told me that it was time Blazer Show became a tangible marketable product. Gotta love advertising majors. He's right. Just cause Gee moved doesn't mean that our team is any less powerful. It's time I do what's best for the show and us and get it moving.

Thursday nights are Blazer Show nights. I bring him a script. We read with voices. And by spring, we start getting our animators (You know who you are friends xo) to begin laying stuff out, such as backdrops and all. Basics. Right now, Gee needs to do Gee. And I promised him I would take care of it. And that's what I am going to do.

I'm excited for this. Blazer Show is only several steps from being materialized. And I can't wait. This one's for you bro.

Anyhow, the diet definitely went better today than the last 2 days. Tomorrow will be even better. I'm also glad that I got some exercise. It was rewarding, beautiful, and now I'm nice and tired right on time.

I hope you all are paying attention to the little things in our lives that quietly let us know we're on the right path.



  1. Once again this a great post and it parallels exactly to how I am feeling! The change and improvements are really showing.

  2. It's good to night I have someone who is going through something so similar to me! Love ya xo, and thanks for your encouragements
