Wednesday, January 5, 2011

DAY 4: 1:28pm

I have stood true to drinking nothing but water. It feels really good not to have sugar struggling to pump through my body on a daily basis. I have a lot more stamina and energy.

Yesterday, I went for a walk with Rob and got my heart rate up. I didn't get to the second walk because I thought some friends were visiting. They never showed and I passed out at around 8. I was hoping to stay away until 1 or so, but hell, it worked out. I woke up nice and early today and took my vitamins, portioned my breakfast properly, and drank a full bottle of water. My friend was supposed to walk with me today, but she got tied up so I'll be going alone this time.

I'm keeping my hunger under control. Today I did a little yoga, and like 30 stomach crunches. I can feel my tummy getting sore already. I also did 20 half push-ups. I'll make sure I do my walk today, and not push 1200 calories!

The job hunt is very slow. A friend on Facebook posted a craigslist ad for a web design intern in Feasterville, which is only about 15 from my house. Although I'm not presently qualified, I sent them my resume anyhow and decided that not only is that an option for my internship, but a job! And close to home.
I'm still yet to get this Taranova's application back in. I have no gas money and no gas so I can't get there. I literally don't have like a quarter. Hopefully my friend will come through and let me drop off the application because I'm pretty sure I'll get it. It'll be perfect timing with school starting next week.

I'm starting to feel like not everything is out of my control. I think that the hardest thing was just to commit and get started doing something! Now that I'm on track, I cannot let myself down. This is my final test. I have to accomplish my goals or die trying! I want to be a success. I want to have money in my pocket. Gas in my car, and a job that doesn't make me wanna drive my car over a bridge. I can have all of this!

It's just gonna take a little effort! Thanks for all the support guys!


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