Tuesday, January 11, 2011

DAY 11: 8:03PM

What a day.

You know, sometimes the world and how it works utterly confuses me. It's weird because there are those days when you wake up and you just get that gut feeling at your core that there is trouble on the horizon. Or perhaps it's the worry which causes the negative outcomes? Who knows.

I woke up at around 11am today, and decided that I was going to donate blood to some bio-research company with the boyfriend and my friend Sarah. I was looking forward to 20 dollars. That's pack of cigs, and some gas that I really could use. Although it was for research, I was willing to overcome it and do it because sometimes in life you have to do things you don't really want to do.
The office was... odd. Everything else was clean in the facility except the waiting room. No big deal. When they called me back a nurse began talking a mile a minute about questions. She pricked my finger to test my hemoglobin level. It was 2 points below normal. Fuck. I was not eligible. Sarah and Rob were, so I waited out in the waiting room.

Sitting out there, I started getting so many negative emotions. Like "Why is it always me?" Perhaps I was just thinking that way because of coincidence. But I had no idea that the notion had any merit once we left the facility and headed out on our way...

It was so bitter cold outside. You could feel the grayness of the sky's desire to crack open and unleash the snow. Something just didn't feel right at all. Something was wrong. As noted previously, I noticed that the heat in my car still refused to function. While on the disapointing drive back home, I called Charolette and told her. She said to check my temperature guage as quickly as possible. I had a small photograph of Robert and I stick in the dash over the temperature gage....With shock, I hung up the phone when looking at it revealed it was almost to overheating. I had only been driving it for 10 minutes and it was 27 degrees outside. Banging from under the hood began and half a mile from home I was forced to pull over and shut down the car. Once it cooled, I drove it home and parked it in the driveway, where Jeff from Jeff's towing came to flatbed it for me to the dealership. "What is it this time?" He joked with a smile. He understood my frustration, as he always has, and towed away my Optimus Prime. Who knew a fucking oil change could cause me so much grief. After putting money in gas into it too....

Stranded without a car, and the snow storm approaching, as well as my first day of class tomorrow...bad time to no have my whip. If the dealership can't operate tomorrow with the snow, then I really won't have a car for a while.

Skipping several of my small meals, I ate hearty at dinner. With all the drama and confusion of the day, I didn't eat, nor consume my regular gallon of water. I'm afraid that skipping my meals today due to circumstance will set me back on my weight loss. I'm also disappointed that my chronic anemia has not improved with my high iron rich diet and vitamin supplement consumption......

Sarah and I blew off some steam from the sketchy blood donation place by smoking a blunt and playing some Mario Bros 3. It's time for me and the boyfriend to cuddle the night away through this storm.

Tomorrow's a new day. Stay warm.



  1. Yeah I'm beginning to wonder the same things also. It seems like regulations always happen to apply to me, but usually things work out for the most part. Don't worry too much about your diet for one day because the guilt is what keeps you from finishing. When you skip one day and dwell on it, you'll prob skip another and then another. The best thing is to just say "Fuck it, I'll get back on board tomorrow," and do just that. You're only human and you can't break months or years of habit in only a couple weeks. If you could, we'd all be ripped and shit lol. Keep working Jess, like Conan said, as long as you're kind and work hard, good things will happen.

  2. I can definitely see it from that perspective much easier now! Thanks for the advice, cause it makes a lot of sense and it's good to have someone just remind me of these notions. Thanks a lot Kieran!
