Friday, February 11, 2011

Blazer Show. Blazer Show. Blazer Show.

I am so down. And depressed. I'm in good spirits, but inside, I feel terrible.
And it seems that just when I'm ready to work for them, all opportunities are gone.

This is why it's all about Blazer Show. This is like, the ONE thing I'm putting all of my heart and soul into. I'm working hard at it, so that maybe one day, I'll be able to honestly enjoy the fruits of my labor and passion for it.

I have reached a level of severity about the show. Strict severity. I've talked about it for years, long enough. Now it's time for tangible results. I want the first season printed and bound by summer. I can SMELL the fresh ink on the paper in my mind. The warmth of the paper as it's right out of the printer. Blazer Show. In my hands. Right in front of me. Ready to submit. Fuck everything and everyone else who's got a problem with my quest. They can suck my balls. If I never make it anywhere with this show, I will fucking DIE trying. And I will do anything to get what I want.

I've started to become possessive about my work on the show. I feel like it's my baby, and I'm responsible for it being born into life. Which I feel it is. It's something always on my mind, right in the foreground, waiting for a check to be drawn next to it. "Complete." When that check mark is there, I'll be satisfied. And then let's hope it will be "on to the next one."

I'm beginning to recruit for animation and art design. In desperate need of an art director. I've finally asked Noel to lend more than his voice to the show, and possibly begin environment doodles and sketches for the first episode. Jay and I reviewed several animated series' and screen shot still frames of conceptual basics. And, I think the look is going in the right direction. Let's hope the artists can and enjoy bringing it to the screen.

I can't wait to finally have an official "TEAM" of peeps down for aiming for success, like myself. I'm thinking I'm going to need about 3 animators for the endeavor. One, of which I'd need for lead art direction. If I have to, I'll post flyers at school. Whatever the hell it takes.

Other than Blazer Show and my obsession with it, my life is balls. I still have no job. No money. My boyfriend has no job. No money. And the only other good thing, is my grades. I'm still a fat fucking blob. Blazer Show is more important than a fucking bikini. IT will be what I'm most concerned with other than my schooling. If I'm rich, I'll buy a new damn body lol.

So that's that. Thinking of writing up a flyer for Blazer Show Facebook now and tagging some artist friends. I wanna start spreading the concept of working on it to possibly for a chill team.


  1. Right on Jess! Work your hardest and if you ever need any type of animation work let me know, hit me up if you need my website or anything
