Friday, February 4, 2011


So it's about 6:50 in the a.m. and I'm kinda blissfully speechless. I can't believe that the first 3 quarters of the show is already written, in full funtiona-

Ok, so I'm back at 7:04 a.m. Good thing I asked the guard at the front desk to keep an eye out for when residents leave for work and the lot has free parking spots open. Now I have an awesome window of 4 hours for a much needed nap before my class, without worrying about my whip bein' towed. And. I'm already in the city. AND. Blazer Show is almost there...

Jay worked with me arduously throughout the course of the night. I read him what I had, gave him material I've written, and talked the first episode out to him. Not only did he jump into the project full throttle, but he also completely allowed Blazer Show to take flight. Writing awesome dialog with ease, and really identifying each characters persona and voice; accurately, I might add, to what I wanted them to. I feel like I'm fucking soaring through the sky right now. As though this is fuckin' ALRIGHT yo. It's blowing my mind. "Oh my god...this is the show!" To hear the characters interact with one another appropriately. To see how they each act individually and as a whole with the story-line, I couldn't be happier. Jay has proved himself a valuable asset on this journey to completion, and I openly welcome him in the writing process as an official part of Blazer Show.

Created by: Jess Ramsey & Gee Terado
Written by: Jay Gambit, Jess Ramsey
Co-written by: Gee Terado
Artwork and Character design/animation by: Gee Terado
More names to come, let's hope! I'm SURE Noel will want a part of it other than vocally, as well as a few others.

I feel like there's a real team driving this shit home right now, and my mind is floating happily. Buzzing with positive vibes of a plausible successful future, pride, and accomplishment. This is only the beginning. As I work with Gee on the premise of the show in the first season and remaining 4 out of 6 episodes, Jay will place them together structurally in proper script format. An episode a week. We'll be done in 2 months, with it all polished. Then we record voices (Which is gonna be super easy), and then we talk animation. The website is noob-ish but the skeletal structure is in place, and all it needs is tweaking. Jay and I reviewed the Cartoon Network submission form....omg. I'm so excited.

Aside from that, I look forward to talking to Gee about what we've gotten done this evening ASAP. I know he'll love it, and I can't wait to hear his feedback. And everyone elses' ;)

Aside from that, I'm busting my ass in school. I missed one with the flu, and otherwise maintain a perfect attendance. I participate vigilantly in classroom discussions, answering questions, acing quizzes, and even becoming Secretary of the Function club for web design. I am time managing with school work and striving forward for those straight A's and HOPEFULLY a best of quarter award for either my Creative Writing class or, especially, my E-Learning Design program. I am putting 120 percent into my studies right now. I want something to be proud of when I leave this place for good, and venture out into the unknown that will be my life.

All I need now is a damn job, to lose weight little by little, and find a good weed connect...cause fuck knows I haven't found SHIT!

I'm accomplishing my goals.
Everything's paying off now.

After class last night, I gave a friend a ride home in the city. She was recently mugged and so apprehensive about walking home at night. I insisted to drive her home after this particular class, and for her to call me anytime she felt that way and I'd help if I could. When parking over at Jays, I found my car to be stuck. For 15 minutes I tried everything in the book, all the tricks of the trade, but the damn thing wouldn't budge. Looking up from the steering wheel in frustration after digging and using rubber mats under the tires, a pleasant looking man, successful, young, was taking off his probably 100 dollar pair of gloves.

"You need a little help there? Can I offer a hand?" He was so charming and caring, and had a lovely smile. Jay came down and him and Andrew (This generous stranger) began pushing. Before I knew it, another gentleman ran from across the street, and the 3 of them got my car over that pile of ice. It reminded me of how the Universe DOES in fact give back. And just now, another example...when moving my car to a permanent spot in the lot, the woman next to me was leaving. She was stuck. I pushed her car out of that spot for her, and she thanked me. And so, karma and the Universe reveals itself in that beautiful slice of a moment sometimes....beautiful. Not to mention the security guard stood post and texted me personally when a spot opened up! There are good people in this world. Within mankind. Our species. We all pay it forward with positivity and care.

On the way in the building, while quickly chatting with the guard, a man asked me if I did web design. He runs a martial art school and really might want videos, a web site and all for his students. I tossed him my business email and an opportunity just might show itself in the future.

:: sigh :: These moments remind me that we all need a little help sometimes. And as far as Blazer Show goes....on point.

Symbolism in life is sexy. I love it.



  1. i am very pleased about the Blazer Show news. I look forward to storyboarding once I receive the the scripts in format, and I must say I'm pretty fuckin stoked once we start recording dialogue =)

  2. Exactly man. Same here. When we can meet next, I'll send ya the script and we can read through it together. Ill be around, so whenever you're free is good. WORD! Blazer Show Bro!
