Sunday, April 10, 2011

Updates =)

I've been doing a lot of abstract or poems based posts. I've been meaning to update this and check up on everyone's blogs and such. So I'm doing that now.

I finished off the Winter semester a lot better than I thought I would. I honestly didn't check my grades until the day before yesterday, because I really didn't wanna see them. But it wasn't that bad at all, two B's and an A. Although, I believe I earned an A in Kramers' Creative Writing class, I've chosen to just move on instead and focus on the semester at hand.

The one thing that has been bugging me is that my friend Kat moved back to Florida. And my best friend of 20 years is moving to Oklahoma. It seems like everyone is moving away these days! I've been getting a little down about it so I thought it would be a sweet ass idea to get together with my peoples sometime soon and party it up a bit. Let's hope that's soon! I wish I had my own place!

Anyhow, Blazer Show is on hold a little bit. Jay has been super occupied and busy and Gee has been too! So have I really, but I've been playing around with the website in Dreamweaver and editing some things in the script. I'm gonna be sending the script out to team members interested asap, as it's pretty much ready to go. I love Blazer Show. I think about it, and even still I get a good feeling in the put of my gut about it.

I got my tax return check today. Boy was that exactly what I needed. I'm going to try and link up with friends asap and do that money right! Ok well, I posted cause I promised myself I would in the Brotherhood on fb. I'm gonna get back to my bong and checking out everyone's journals. Miss you all!


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